Certification Levels in Microsoft Excel 365 Apps

Associate Courses


Microsoft Excel Associate Certification
(MO-210 Exam)

The MO-210 exam tests your abilities to demonstrate competence in the fundamentals of using Microsoft Excel 365 Apps.

Click the button below to explore the syllabus for the exam, how to prepare and how to practice.

Even if you believe that your Excel skills are up to the test, passing the exam requires practice and understanding of the types of project tasks set in the exam, how best to get the correct answer and how best to prepare.

Expert Courses


Microsoft Excel Expert Certification
(MO-211 Exam)

The MO-211 exam tests your expert level abilities to use Microsot Excel 365 Apps.

Click the button below to explore the syllabus for the exam, how to prepare and how to practice.

Although you may do so, we STRONGLY advise that you do not attempt the MO-211 exam before passing at Associate level. There is a significant difference in the complexity involved in both syllabi, and unless you have experienced and passed the MO-210 exam it is unlikely that you will succeed at the expert level test.

Associate Courses

Expert Courses

Microsoft Excel 365 Apps Associate
(MO-210 Exam)

Microsoft Excel 365 Apps Expert
(MO-211 Exam)

Excel Certification Associate Course Logo

The MO-210 exam tests your abilities to demonstrate competence in the fundamentals of using Microsoft Excel 365 Apps.

Click the button below to explore the syllabus for the exam, how to prepare and how to practice.

Even if you believe that your Excel skills are up to the test, passing the exam requires practice and understanding of the types of project tasks set in the exam, how best to get the correct answer and how best to prepare.

Excel Expert Certification Course Logo

The MO-211 exam tests your expert level abilities to use Microsot Excel 365 Apps.

Click the button below to explore the syllabus for the exam, how to prepare and how to practice.

Although you may do so, we STRONGLY advise that you do not attempt the MO-211 exam before passing at Associate level.

There is a significant difference in the complexity involved in both syllabi, and unless you have experienced and passed the MO-210 exam it is unlikely that you will succeed at the expert level test.

Student Reviews

Microsoft Excel Associate Certification
5 Star Review from BPMN 2.0 using Micosoft Visio student

MO-210 Microsoft Excel 365 Apps Complete Techniques

Really feel this course is teaching me all of the techniques.

The tasks set are challenging and the explanations are clear and easy to follow.

Microsoft Excel Associate Certification
Microsoft Excel Associate Certification
5 Star Review from BPMN 2.0 using Micosoft Visio student

MO-210 Microsoft Excel 365 Apps

Practice Tests

The explanations for the tasks set are excellent. Knowledgeable instructor.

Haven't taken the exam yet but will do so in a few weeks.

I feel that I will be ready.

Microsoft Excel Associate Certification
Microsoft Excel Associate Certification
5 Star Review from BPMN 2.0 using Micosoft Visio student

MO-211 Microsoft Excel Expert

365 Apps

Complete Techinques and Practice Exams Bundle

It's worth completing the techniques course and the doing the practice exams to ensure you're ready for the actual exams.

Microsoft Excel Associate Certification

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